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Statement of Compliance with Export Control Regulations

Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. promises to comply with applicable export control laws and regulations, including those of China, the United States, the European Union, etc., to fulfill the export control obligations and responsibilities; and to sustain YJ’s corporate commitment to being an honest and responsible enterprise deserving of trust from its customers, suppliers and partners. YJ firmly believes that complying with applicable export control laws and regulations can enable enterprises to effectively prevent trade compliance risks, enhance competitiveness in the international market, and provide effective guarantees for the sustainable development of the company. In addition, as an international company, YJ has always been active in taking up social responsibility and fulfilling its obligations.

YJ has established and implemented its Internal Compliance Program (ICP) based on the principle of “catch-all” control, placing export control obligations above the commercial profit. If YJ believes that the products, technologies, and services to be exported, whether physical or intangible, may be used for developing or manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, unauthorized conventional military equipment or any other prohibited end use pursuant to applicable laws and regulations that may jeopardize the national or regional peace or stability or fall into the hands of terrorist organizations, YJ will, based on the principle of “catch-all” control, implement relevant export control measures and refrain from exporting such products, technologies, and services.

YJ verifies and screens transaction parties involved in its business operations, including but not limited to customers, suppliers, and partners, so as to comply with applicable export control laws and sanction regulations. YJ conducts export control classifications for its products and technologies, and obtains export control licenses when necessary. YJ also establishes and maintains close contacts with government trade compliance regulators, associated non-governmental organizations, and export control legal and compliance professionals, to keep abreast of relevant policy information and seek guidance.

YJ has set up the Trade Compliance Office that is responsible for developing, implementing, and improving YJ’s export control and relevant sanctions compliance policies, systems, and processes; and driving the execution of these policies, systems, and processes across all applicable business units and corporate functions. To ensure the implementation of trade compliance requirements, YJ has clearly defined the responsibilities of relevant corporate functions, developed and disseminated relevant guidance documents, built a robust recordkeeping system, strengthened training and development of professional knowledge and export control skills for its employees and the management team, and conducted periodic internal assessments and audits of its internal trade compliance program.

The entire staff of YJ are required to work toward meeting YJ's trade compliance requirements and carrying out related corporate policies. YJ has established a reward and punishment system to reward staff members who successfully follow YJ's export control policies, and to circulate a notice internally and penalize those who violate these policies. Employees who do not abide by applicable laws and regulations shall be held legally responsible.

This statement applies to all departments, branches and subsidiaries of Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

The company will routinely review this statement and revise it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Complaints and suggestions
Report Mailbox: jubao@21yangjie.com
Reporting hotline: 0514-80982398
Complaint Notice

Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
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