
Directors Profiles
Directors Profiles
Ms. LIANG Qin (梁勤) a Chinese citizen, senior economist, currently serves as a Director and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Company. Ms. LIANG is also the chairperson of Hu' nan chuwei semiconductor technology co., ltd., independent Director of Yadea Technology Group Co.Ltd.(a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, stock code: 3339).Previously, Ms. LIANG served as the chairperson a of Jiangsu Yangjie Investment Co., Ltd., chairperson of Yangzhou Jieli Semiconductor Co., Ltd., chairperson of Chengdu Qingyang Electronic Materials Co., Ltd., and general manager of Hu' nan chuwei semiconductor technology co., ltd.
Mr. LIANG Yao (梁瑤) a Chinese citizen, Postgraduate degree, currently serves as secretary of the Party Committee, a Director and Vice Chairman of the Company.Previously, Mr. LIANG served as an instructor and teaching assistant of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, supervisor of Jiangsu Yangjie Investment Co., Ltd., manager of Guangling branch of China Life Insurance Company Limited, deputy general manager and Secretary to the Board of the Company, and the managing partner of Hangzhou Zhiyi Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership).
Mr. CHEN Runsheng (陳潤(rùn)生) a Chinese citizen, currently serves as a Director and President of the Company. Mr. CHEN is also a supervisor of Jiangsu Micro Commercial Components Co., Ltd.,director of Yangzhou jieguan micro-electrons co., ltd.. Previously, Mr. CHEN served as a process quality engineer and system engineer of Jingcheng Electronic Technology Group Company, deputy manager of quality department and manager of quality department of Shanghai Gulf Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.,Vice General Manager of Quality, Vice General Manager of Operations, Vice General Manager of Sales of the conpany .
Mr. LIU Congning (劉從寧) a Chinese citizen, currently serves as a Director and Vice President of the Company. Mr. LIU is also a director of Yangzhou Guoyu Electronics Co., Ltd., director of Jiangsu Micro Commercial Components Co., Ltd., chairman of Chengdu Qingyang Electronic Materials Co., Ltd., chairman of Sichuan Yajixin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., and director of Jiangsu Yangjie Run'ao Semiconductor Co., Ltd.. Previously, Mr. LIU was the manager and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou office of Jiangsu Yangjie Investment Co., Ltd., executive deputy general manager and general manager of the Company, director and general manager of Suzhou Meiweixin Semiconductor Co., Ltd., chairman of Jiangsu Yangjie Run’ao Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and director of Chengdu Qingyang Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.
Role of Directors Directors Profiles Documents
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